0860 22 22 88

[email protected]

Helpdesk hours: 8h00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday.

Walk-in Help Desk
1 Adderley Street
Cape Town

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Two Pot Claim Enquiries: [email protected] | Sharecall: 0860 22 27 39 | Whats App: 071 909 7889

Member News

Pre-Retirement Planning

THACSA have appointed Momentum Corporate to do Retirement Benefit Counselling to members.  Below is a video detailing some of the aspects to be aware of.

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SARS Registration

Prepare now for your retirement It is a legislated requirement that all members who receive benefits from a pension or provident fund must be registered as taxpayers, regardless of their income or...

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Your Retirement Benefits

A good way to increase your retirement benefits… At the moment you and your employer each contribute 6% of your pensionable salary to the Thacsa Fund for your retirement. While this is more than...

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