0860 22 22 88
[email protected]
Helpdesk hours: 8h00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday.
1 Adderley Street
Cape Town
Check your fund balance here: Register/Login
Two Pot Claim Enquiries: [email protected] | Sharecall: 0860 22 27 39 | Whats App: 071 909 7889
Member News

Pre-Retirement Planning
THACSA have appointed Momentum Corporate to do Retirement Benefit Counselling to members. Below is a video detailing some of the aspects to be aware of.
Important News for all your Employees
Zoom sessions for retirement and retrenchment options.
Annual Report and Benefit Statement
The 2019 Annual Financial Report notice and information relating to the access of Benefit Statements.
Masithethe iThacsa The Covid-19 pandemic
For more information as referred to in the above flyer, please click here: THACSA Member Communication
COVID-19 What This Means For THACSA Members
South Africa recently joined the growing list of nations recording infections of the COVID-19 virus, there are two aspects to the epidemic that need to be addressed.
2020 Budget By Numbers
A breakdown of the recent budget speech, showing the significant changes.
Time is running out…
Your retirement fund contributions reduce your taxable income, this means that you pay less income tax.
Voting Day 8 May – National & Provincial Elections
8 May is voting day for national and provincial elections South Africans vote in National and Provincial Elections every five years. In terms of the Constitution the elections must be held within 90...
SARS Registration
Prepare now for your retirement It is a legislated requirement that all members who receive benefits from a pension or provident fund must be registered as taxpayers, regardless of their income or...
THACSA – The Budget Speech
Your Retirement Benefits
A good way to increase your retirement benefits… At the moment you and your employer each contribute 6% of your pensionable salary to the Thacsa Fund for your retirement. While this is more than...