0860 22 22 88

[email protected]

Helpdesk hours: 8h00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday.

Walk-in Help Desk
1 Adderley Street
Cape Town

Check your fund balance here: Register/Login

Two Pot Claim Enquiries: [email protected] | Sharecall: 0860 22 27 39 | Whats App: 071 909 7889

Investment Performance


Thacsa operates as a Defined Contribution Fund, which means the Fund’s investment performance has a direct impact on the benefit payable to you. The Board of Trustees has secured the best of breed investment advisors to ensure that the Fund is run professionally and in the interests of all members. For detailed information on the performance of the Fund over time click on the two drop-down boxes below.

Investment Advisors

Asset Managers


Diversified Growth Portfolio

Life Global Balanced Fund

Managed Fund

Global Houseview Portfolio

Stable Growth Portfolio

Momentum Multi-Manager Smooth Growth Fund Global

Cautious Management Fund

The Money Market Portfolio

Ninety One SA Money Market