0860 22 22 88

[email protected]

Helpdesk hours: 8h00 to 16h00 Monday to Friday.

Walk-in Help Desk
1 Adderley Street
Cape Town

Check your fund balance here: Register/Login

Two Pot Claim Enquiries: [email protected] | Sharecall: 0860 22 27 39 | Whats App: 071 909 7889

Fund Management


Thacsa is a separate legal entity from your employer. In that way your retirement savings – and those of all the other members – are completely safe, irrespective of what happens to your employer’s business.


Rules of the Fund

The Fund is set up and operated in terms of the Pension Funds Act. Every aspect, including benefit entitlements, are defined in the Rules of the Fund. All must be approved by the Financial Sector Conduct Authority (FSCA), an independent regulating authority.

Governance of the Fund

In addition to the Rules there are numerous other regulating, governance and legislative requirements to assist in the proper and effective management of your retirement savings. The links below can provide more information for you.

Financial Statements

The Fund prepares annual financial statements at the end of its financial year. These are verified by external auditors and submitted to the Financial Services Conduct Authority.  The annual financial statements from the year ending 2013 are listed below, click on the relevant link to download that year’s report.

Annual Reports

Communication and member education forms an integral part of looking after your retirement future. This is achieved through various communication channels introduced by the Fund to ensure that our members and are kept informed of any Fund and Industry developments and educated on the benefits you enjoy as a Thacsa Pension Fund Member.

Board of Trustees

The Fund is managed by a Board of Trustees. Members and employers have equal representation on the Board. Trustees have a fiduciary responsibility to manage the Fund in good faith and in the best interests of all members. Trustees are appointed in terms of the Rules of the Fund for a period of three years. The Independent Trustee is appointed by the Board of Trustees for a period of one year. The Board consists of seven member Trustees, seven employer Trustees and one Independent Trustee. Alternates may be appointed for each Trustee as  required.


Fedhasa Trustees: C Godenir (Chairman), A Nold (Deputy Chairman), M de Witt, J. Duvenage, B Ross, F Jones

Non–Fedhasa: S Faussner-Ringer


Saccawu: C Booi (H Nqoro Alternate), T Sontaba, T Gqalana, S Jamjan, S Matyeni

Fedcraw: K Thabata, J Saka

Independent Trustee: R Grosch

Principal Officer: K Barnes

Service Providers


Momentum Retirement Administrators

Actuarial Services:

Arch Actuarial Consulting

Death GLA | Funeral | Disability:


Investment Advisors:



Imbongi Communications

Beneficiary Funds:

ABSA Trust




Price Waterhouse Coopers

Housing Loans:

Standard Bank

Investment managers:

Allan Gray | Ninety One | Momentum | Coronation